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At the Library 3/9/23

At the Library
by Jenisa Harris

The results are in! Did your “Blind Date with a Book” sweep you off your feet? Was it love at first sight or a total dud? Well, the results are in.

These books will sweep you off your feet:

“The Quilters Apprentice”, by Jennifer Chiaverini the reader said, “I feel there were lots of lessons in this book. Don’t judge people the first time you meet them. People of all ages can be friends. “

“Daisy Jones and the Six”, by Taylor Jenkins Reid the patron said, “I loved this book! I was surprised that her daughter was the narrator.”

“The Spymistress”, by Jennifer Chiaverini, the reader said, “I usually don’t read fiction, but I really enjoyed this book because it was based on a real person and historical events that happened.”

“Dictionary of Lost Words” by Pip Williams, the patron said “I really enjoyed it. It was on my “want to read” list so I was looking forward to it. I liked how it was about lexicography, but there was a great story as well.”

 “The Coincidence of Coconut Cake”, by Amy E Reichert, the reader said, “It was a fun romantic book to read.”

“The Storyteller”, by Jodi Picoult, the patron said, “I enjoyed it, Jodi Picoult books always push you to have an internal battle with ethics and see things from alternative perspectives.”

“The Rose Code”, by Kate Quinn, the reader said, “It was fast paced, romantic, fact based, and intriguing.”

These were only a few of the books that swept our readers off their feet! If you didn’t get a chance to participate in “Blind Date with a Book,” it’s never too late to take a chance on one of these books. You can decide for yourself if the book will sweep you off your feet or is a total dud.