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At the Library 2/9/23

At the Library
by Cary Ann Siegfried

It’s National Library Lovers Month! While February is a short month, its jam-packed with things that we’re celebrating here at the Washington Public Library:  Fiber Arts Festival, Black History Month, Valentines Day and….. National Library Lovers Month!

If you’re unfamiliar with that last celebration, we’re not just making it up because we’d like you to bring us presents or anything—it’s a real thing!  If you’d like suggestions on how to celebrate with us, here are a few:

If you haven’t been to the Washington Public Library lately, pay us a visit.  You don’t have to have a good reason—just stop by and wander through the building.  Right now, in our gallery on the second floor you’ll find an amazing fiber arts exhibition going on.

While you’re here, if you don’t have a library card, we’d love to get you one.  And if you do have one, it’s very possible that it expired last month and we need to update your information and renew it. If you don’t renew your card you won’t be able to use Bridges, our eBook and eAudiobook service. Also, if you don’t renew your card we won’t be able to count you in as an active card holder and we use that count to assess how much our community loves us—so please renew your card!

 If you’re binging on romance movies to celebrate Valentine’s Day with that special someone, check out our DVD collection while you’re in the building. If you prefer to stream movies rather than dusting off the DVD player, ask us about Kanopy.  Kanopy is a streaming service that is FREE to library card holders and provides you with over 30,000 films to stream.

Visit our website:  Click on some pages that you haven’t visited before.  Look at our events calendar and see what we’ve got going on that might interest you or someone in your family.  We have some great concerts happening in February!

If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, please like or follow us! We try to use these sites as a means to communicate what’s going on at the library to our community so feel free to help us out and share our posts.  We also have a monthly newsletter that lists our programs and events—if you aren’t currently receiving it, you can visit our website and click on the Sign Up! icon to subscribe.

If you already visit us regularly, have renewed your library card, are a faithful Kanopy user, attend all of our programs and always like our Facebook posts, what else can you do to show your love this month?  Recommend us to your friends and family!  Bring them along to a program or to get a library card next time you visit! If you’re a lover of libraries, the best gift you can give us is to pass on the love!