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At the Library 12/2/22

At the Library
by LeAnn Kunz

Do you wear an apron for baking or cooking or art projects? Did your grandmother don one every Sunday in her kitchen? Or did an uncle wear one working out in the shop? Every apron has a story and we want to hear those stories! The Washington Public Library is organizing a community story project called “Stories From the Apron Strings”. We are asking you to submit your written stories, memories, and anecdotes of any type of apron by January 20. Pieces can be submitted to our link on WPL's Biblioboard Community Collection, emailed to, or sent by mail to the Washington Public Library, 115 W. Washington St., Washington, Iowa, 52353. We would prefer stories to be typed, but handwritten pieces will also be accepted. Include a photo of the apron or someone wearing the apron, if possible. Recipes are also welcome if there is one associated with the apron story. These stories will be shared in e-book form in our WPL Biblioboard Community Collections and eventually in a printed booklet. We will also share some of these stories aloud during The Art of the Apron presentation during Fiber Arts February. So start reminiscing and writing those stories. We look forward to reading and sharing them with the community!