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The Truth About One-Eyed Uncle George Part 4

At the Library
The Truth About One-Eyed Uncle George
A serial story Part 3 by Carol Ray

Her confidence restored, Lila concentrated on the way to proceed. There was something about the verdant path that was too tempting - daisies, however, are simple flowers - she wondered how many had she doodled in her notebooks over the years as she sat in dull classes.

“ Uncle George,” she called, “follow me.”

The daisies were fresh and the path was not hard to follow; it was early in the season and the new growth was not as weedy as it would be soon. Old, tangled weeds on both sides were mostly dry, but thickly intertwined. It would be difficult to venture off the path. It was hard to see what was ahead and Uncle George was behind her already huffing and puffing like an old truck.
The closer they came to the old mansion, Lila realized that the path was more tangled and old roots had crossed it, making it easier to trip. If it hadn’t been for that hare, Lila would have been more confident, but along with the sound of drumming, there was now a deep buzz as they neared the house. The buzzing increased.

“Oh no, bees!” cried Lila.

She turned to see George who was struggling to breathe and falling behind. A small but dense swarm of bees hovered above the path. There was no choice; they turned back. As they neared the wall, Uncle George called to Lila, “I’d forgotten,” he said, ”bees have guarded the mansion for generations. We have to introduce ourselves to them properly and let them decide whether or not we can proceed.”

They sat down with their backs against the wall and tried to calm their breathing.

“I do think we’re on the right path,” said Uncle George "but it’s not going to be easy.”

“I wonder if the drumming alerted the bees to our presence,” Lila proposed. “I think they’re connected."

Uncle George looked at her and said, “I should have remembered. It’s been so long and I’ve had a lot of other things to think about. I knew we should come back here, but I was too impatient.”

As Lila watched her uncle, he seemed to be gathering strength. His good eye was clear and determined. She saw a trace of her mother in his features and felt a bit better. They did have a blood connection after all. She stood and reached down to Uncle George. They were on a mission. Brushing debris from their clothes and standing tall, they started back down the daisy path. Lila slowed and let Uncle George go ahead. They stepped carefully over the twisted roots as they neared the swarm.

Uncle George bowed to them, then stood up and addressed them with proper reverence.

“Noble bees we greet thee. We ask your leave to allow us to approach our long-lost home. We come as those who belong to the land and wish to return. I am George-of-the-one-eye and this is Lila, my sister’s child. We mean no harm.”

The bees dispersed and flew along the path, leading George and Lila to the mansion. The drumming had stopped. Lila noticed a furry white tail disappearing into the daisies.