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At the Library 6/23/22

At the Library
by Jo Weidner

Summer is here, and a fast pace at the desk has returned to the library as our families are in to participate in summer reading club. So many books going in and out of the building. We are also pleased to be meeting so many new patrons coming in to get library cards.

The library is also a great place for anyone to come to stay and spend some time. The children’s area has a beautiful baby garden for our youngest crawlers to enjoy with an adult.  Located in the bins by the children’s circulation desk, kids can find games, puzzles, and coloring sheets to use at our tables while they are here.  Our new AWE computer, and our 3 other computer stations has been a busy corner in our building since the school year’s end.

More teens are finding their way back to our renovated young adult area. The space has been recently updated, and the cool new tables and chairs, along with other new furniture is a great place to hang out and catch up with friends.

Patrons will find local, state, and national newspapers, along with an assortment of magazines in our front reading lounge.  The view across the street of our beautiful Central Park and fountain is perfect, and peaceful.

Venturing down to the lower level of the library, you will find our ReBook room. If you are searching for books to take with you on vacation, or to put in your camper, the room has an excellent source of used books for you to choose from. You will find a fun mural, freshly painted walls, and new chairs as you browse.

As you continue to enjoy these summer months, we hope you will stop in not only to check out books, but to say hello, and enjoy the spaces that make this library a destination where you spend time with your family, visiting with your friends and neighbors, and meeting the people who are new to our community.