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At the Library 1/26/23

At the Library
by Jenisa Harris

Single? In a relationship? “It’s complicated”? No matter! During the entire month of February, you can head to the Washington Public Library and have a blind date with a book!

“Blind Date with a Book”, is back, and it’s not just for adults this year! Tweens and Teens will have their own selection of books.

 “Blind Date with a Book” will go on the entire month of February. Just select a wrapped book from our “Blind Date with a Book” display and check it out. Take it home, unwrap it, and enjoy! If you don’t like the book, simply return it to the library. Its feelings won’t be hurt.

These books are specially chosen by the library staff as being particularly deserving of a date with a willing reader. From romance, nonfiction, mystery, history, or out of this world fantasy!

Inside the cover of each book will be a “Rate-your-Date” card for you to fill out after you are finished reading your book. You can tell us if your “Blind Date with a Book” swept you off of your feet, was love at first sight, or a total dud. 

After you fill out your “Rate-your-Date” card make sure you drop it in the Blind Date with a Book box that will be at the front desk of the Library.

The more books you read and the more “Rate-your-Date” cards you fill out and turn in the more chances you have of winning a sweet treat! At the end of the month we will draw one of the “Rate-your-Date” cards and that lucky patron will win!

So stop by the Washington Public Library the month of February and you might fall in love with literature.