At the Library 10/19/23

At the Library
by Mia Schrock

The library’s circulation has increased tremendously over the past few months. That means we are a lot busier to make sure everything is ready for your next visit to the library. There is a lot of work that goes into taking care of the library. Putting away books and tidying the shelves are some of the behind the scenes work that we do to make sure you enjoy the library.

I really enjoy working here. It is my first job, and I have never had that moment when I didn’t want to come into work. I love seeing the joy on kid's faces when they walk in to find their favorite books or hearing about how much people love reading. The only disadvantage is I find so many books I want to read, but I don’t have the time to read them all! I can’t really call that a disadvantage though. I also love working with my coworkers. We have a lot of fun while working but still work hard to get our work done.
Another thing I enjoy about the library is TAB. That is the Teen Advisory Board. There are monthly meetings you can come to. I have not been able to attend one for a while but the next time I am available it is first on my list. Jenisa runs the meeting and often makes delicious treats for us. Her brownies are top notch. They are some of the best brownies I’ve ever had. (Please don’t tell my Grandma)
There is a lot going on here at the library, so check out our event calendar on our website to see if there is anything that sparks your interest!